The 15 Most Annoying Movie Characters Of All Time

A movie character can be memorable for a lot of different reasons. Han Solo is cool, Superman is larger than life and Crash Davis makes you want to play baseball. But we remember some characters because they are stupid, obnoxious and lame - in one word: ANNOYING.

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A movie character can be memorable for a lot of different reasons. Han Solo is cool, Superman is larger than life and Crash Davis makes you want to play baseball. But we remember some characters because they are stupid, obnoxious and lame - in one word: ANNOYING.

They're annoying as hell and we don't want to take it anymore, but sometimes they can be found in otherwise beloved movies. We see these characters on the screen and we find ourselves rooting for their demise. Some of these characters are annoying on purpose, but even worse are the ones who are annoying by accident. These are the ones who were probably described as funny or hip in production meetings, but when they finally made it onto the big screen, they fell flatter than Frankenstein's head. An annoying character can disrupt the whole flow of a story and sink a promising movie. We find these annoying characters in all genres, but they always play the role of party pooper, sucking the life out of the movie like a humorless, pouty vampire. Here are 15 of the worst offenders.

15. Sam Witwicky


This is one of those characters who starts off being annoying just based on his name. "Witwicky"? Really? Beyond being playground gold for bullies what's the point, except to hear Optimus Prime say "Witwicky?" This human hero of the Transformers franchise as played by Shia LaBeouf is nerdy and twitchy, but trying oh so desperately hard to be cool and impress the hottest high school girl ever played by Megan Fox. This Witwicky guy saves the world and gets the girl - how annoying.

14. Fabienne


I love blueberry pancakes as much as the next guy, but this ditzy waif makes me lose my appetite every time I see Tarantino's 1994 Pulp Fiction. This annoying clinger plays opposite the club fighter, Butch, played by Bruce Willis. Fabienne is cute for about 5 minutes with her French accent and little doe eyes, then quickly turns into a tiresome distraction that we wish Butch had left behind at the motel. Instead, he lets her ride on the back of Zed's chopper.

13. Wendy Torrance


We have to give Wendy Torrance, played by Shelly Duvall, a little slack. She goes up against one of the most notorious scenery chewing characters in horror-film history playing opposite Jack Nicholson's Jack Torrance in the 1980 movie The Shining.  Jack's creepy scene stealing display left little for Ms. Duvall to do except annoy us with her incessant whining and nagging.  In this she didn't disappoint, but it makes her character less sympathetic even when Jack comes after her.

12. Dennis Nedry


There are some boring characters and some colorful characters in the 1993 classic Jurassic Park. There are also some annoying characters. Perhaps the most annoying is Dennis Nedry, the overweight programmer who alternates between sweet and salty snacks as he plots his dino-DNA heist. He's rude, crude and annoying and when he meets his end at the hands of one of Jurassic Park's "attractions" we can't help but smile.

11. Willie Scott


Many people didn't like The Temple of Doom the second film in the Indiana Jones franchise as much as the beloved Raiders of the Lost Ark. Is Kate Capshaw's character Willie Scott to blame? A little bit. Indiana is all about action, adventure and saving us from the clutches of evil. This doesn't mean our brave hero can't take a break to admire the ladies, but unlike Marion in Raiders, Willie Scott's constant complaining and whining has one purpose: to annoy Dr. Jones and millions of movie-goers. Mission accomplished.

10. Little Nicky


Adam Sandler has had some big hits and created some funny, lovable characters. His Little Nicky from the 2000 film of the same name was neither funny nor lovable. When a comedy isn't funny it quickly becomes tiresome and annoying. Even talented performers need a script and competent execution and unfortunately Little Nicky showed little evidence of either.  Funny and annoying is one thing, but little Nicky is just plain annoying.

9. Ruby Rhod


The French made The Fifth Element was the most expensive European film ever made when it was released in 1997. Is it a coincidence that a French film produced one of the most annoying movie characters ever?  No. Remember, comedian Jerry Lewis is an icon in France so it isn't that surprising it's responsible for the frenetic talk-show host Ruby Rhod played by Chris Tucker. Ruby doesn't have a lot of screen time, but when he's on screen his presence is stifling instead of funny.

8. Howard the Duck


In fairness to the duck, the 1986 movie Howard the Duck is a perennial favorite on worst movies of all times lists so its not ALL his fault.  However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably the epically annoying Howard the Duck.  There's nothing funny about a talking, cigar smoking duck.  What's the joke anyway?  He's a duck - we get it, but what else ya got? The huge fail that is Howard the Duck is doubly depressing because it was a beloved comic by millions of fans, but in the long tragic history of screen adaptations, it crashed and burned like the Hindenburg.

7. Fat Bastard


His name is annoying and that's the best part about him. Mike Myers intended Fat Bastard to be annoying - this could not have been by accident. Thankfully, this character doesn't appear in the first Austin Powers movie, but he does soil the second and third movies with his disgustingly bloated body and one track mind. This gross gas bag weighs down plots, adding nothing but the chance for Myers to play the most annoying character of the Powers trilogy.

6. Derek Zoolander

via theguardian.com_

The very idea of a male model is annoying.  There is something just wrong about guys preening in front of mirrors and grooming themselves like chicks. Ben Stiller plays the character to the hilt and you have to admire just how annoying he makes the character. He embodies the photogenic airhead who can strike a pose, but is too dumb to strike a match without instructions. I assume Derek Zealander was conceived as a shallow, attractive character who found some perspective and even some redemption, but they really should have just given him a clue.

5. Chucky


The Good Guy Doll inhabited by the spirit of a serial killer known as Chuckyis known as a horror movie icon. He's also known as an annoying little punk who should have been be torn to shreds by a Chihuahua a long time ago. But somehow he managed to keep coming back in equals to the 1988 movie Child's Play. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but come on, he's just a doll, an annoying little doll that deserves to be a Chihuahua's chew toy.

4. Bella Swan


Bella from the Twilight Saga is attractive and smart with a slight edge. But these qualities in the end aren't enough to compensate for the constant sighing and eye rolling that's supposed to reveal her simmering teenage angst. Teen angst has a place in teen movies, but Bella is a one trick pony. The only thing all of her mumbling and slouching shows is how annoying she is after about the first hour of the first movie.

3. Pee-Wee Herman


What is it with Pee-Wee Herman? Everything about him is annoying - his hair, his voice, his clothes - even his stupid grin makes you want to slap him. It's all supposed to combine to create an endearing character for children, but lets face it: what parent would let their child within fifty yards of this guy?  He's got child abuser written all over him in boldface type with exclamation points. He succeeded in combining creepy and annoying into one alarming package - good job.

2. Jar-Jar Binks


Probably the most reviled character in all the galaxy, Jar-Jar Binks, was supposedly conceived by George Lucas to provide some comic relief. This job had been handled expertly in the original trilogy by R2-D2, C-3PO and everyone's favorite smuggler - Han Solo. Banks is no Han Solo. By comparison, the orange Gungan seems slapped together after one too many production meetings about how to create a character kids will like. Kids didn't like him and older fans hate him. You could say he's endearing in a Three Stooges kind of way, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

1. Gollum


Everything about Gollum is annoying. He's slimy, cowardly, ugly and just when you thought he's out of the picture he pops up again and continue his whining.  In fairness to Tolkien, the little wretch comes across better on the page then on the screen. The author's creepy character has the supremely annoying habit of repeating himself like your demented grandpa at Thanksgiving dinner.  It's a little distracting at first, but it gets very annoying, very real fast. Gollum is one of those characters you just want to reach through the screen and strangle his annoying little neck.


